Men's Heart Health Checklist

Checklist for Men’s Heart Health

As a cardiologist, I’ve seen firsthand the impact that heart disease can have on individuals and their loved ones. It’s a condition that doesn’t discriminate based on age, gender, or background. Fortunately, there are steps we can take to reduce our risk and strengthen our hearts. To all men, and their loved ones: Men’s Health…

Vecta Budii

Bringing Smiles and Joy to Elliot Hospital Pediatric Patients with New Innovative Technology

An exciting, innovative technology has arrived in Elliot Hospital’s pediatric department. The Vecta Budii Mobile-Sensory Station, or “Budii” is a mobile sensory station designed to help young patients and their families during hospital visits.   Budii interacts with children in a variety of sensory experiences, including entertainment, development, and therapy. With features like: Interactive Bubble Column- non-breakable…

Nurses Week

Celebrating Nurses Week

At The Elliot, Nurses Week is more than just a calendar event; it’s a celebration of dedication, compassion, and excellence in health care. This year’s festivities were no exception, as we hosted a series of events to honor and appreciate our nursing staff. The week kicked off with food deliveries. Throughout the week, nurses had…

Appreciation and Recognition During Nurses Week

Nurses Week at Southern NH Health celebrated the dedication, compassion, and excellence demonstrated by nurses throughout the organization. From colorful carnival carts to a prestigious award ceremony, the week was filled with festivities and heartfelt appreciation for the contributions of our nurses. Monday kicked off the week with a burst of energy as brightly colored…

Celiac Disease- Dangerously Underdiagnosed?

Approximately 2 million Americans have celiac disease. Unfortunately, over 80% of those who have it are not diagnosed. Since the disease can have serious long-term effects, it is important to speak with your doctor if you are at risk. What is celiac disease?   Celiac disease is a genetic (passed from parent to child) immune disorder…


No-Guilt Self Care for Busy Women

Guilt. This is the feeling that many women have when thinking about making time for self-care. It’s time to let that feeling go. Without self care, you will inevitably be left overwhelmed, unmotivated, depressed, and burned out. Self care can no longer be a last resort when you’re at your breaking point. Self care is…